1. What is the HKS F Con S?
It is a fuel and ignition computer which allows a person to change the original amount of fuel to be sprayed into the engine and when the spark is timed to allow the optimum burning of the fuel.
2. Why do you need a HKS F Con S?
It gives the person the flexibility to fine-tune their fuel and ignition for optimum performance for different stages of upgrades/tune. It can also be used to fine-tune a standard car without any modifications done to it up until a moderately to highly tuned car.
It is very rarely that the fuel and ignition is optimized for each car for every weather or climatic condition for different parts of the world.
The end result of a custom fuel and ignition map for ones car is that the cars will produce more power, response/acceleration, the engine will be smoother, less coarse or strained and allow for better fuel economy.
For moderately tuned to highly tuned cars, the F Con S provides the tuner with very precise fuel and ignition control which in turn allows the tuner to fully utilize the engine upgrades that they have installed.
3. What cars can the F Con S be used for?
The F Con S was primarily designed for Japanese sports cars but it can be incorporated into most of the Japanese cars.
4. How is the F Con S incorporated into the car?
The F Con S runs in series with the original Engine Control Unit of the car. A wire harness is used to link the F Con S with the car’s original Engine Control Unit. The F Con S can be easily bypassed to troubleshooting engine related problem by just removing the F Con S wire harness link and connecting back the original wiring to the Engine Control Unit.
5. Can I remove the F Con S and use it for another car?
Yes, in most cases you are able to use the F Con S for another car as long as there are no compatibility problems between the new car’s Engine Control Unit and the F Con S.
6. Will the customers be able to tune the F Con S?
No, as the software is not released to the general public except for HKS authorized shops who are trained in the special setting procedures and have access to a chasis dynamometer and many other support equipment .

HKS F Con V Pro
1. What is the HKS F Con V Pro?
It is a fuel and ignition controller just like the F Con S.
2. What is the difference between the F Con S and the F Con V Pro?
The F Con V Pro has the ability to control the fuel and ignition more precisely than the F Con S as the F Con V Pro has “Higher Resolution” just like comparing the picture resolution of a Video Compact Disc (VCD) versus a Digital Video Disc (DVD).
3. Then why don’t I just buy the F Con V Pro?
Generally you do not really need that type of resolution on a standard or moderately tuned car as the resolution of the F Con S will suffice in most conditions.
But you need that type of resolution for a highly tuned to extremely highly tuned car. For reasons being that by tuning or upgrading the car extensively, it makes the car difficult to drive on the street and for everyday commute. Therefore you need the precision of the
F Con V Pro to give you back the ease of driving of an extensively modified car.
Another reason for using the F Con V Pro is that it allows the car’s original Air Flow Sensor to be removed, therefore providing less restriction of air into the engine thus allowing the tuner to make more power. If the air flow sensor is removed without the F Con V Pro the engine will not function properly as the original computer will not know the amount of air entering the engine thus not being able to calculate the right amount of fuel to be injected. This may cause the Engine Check Light ( Engine trouble code) to appear making 2the car undriveable. Therefore with the F Con V Pro it allows the car to run without the original air flow sensor and yet not show an Engine Check Light (Engine trouble code). It must be noted that this function is only a available on the F Con V Pro, the F Con S does not have this feature. There are many other features that are also available on the F Con V Pro that the F Con S does not provide. Another feature is the ability of the V Pro to change the RPM Redline of the car, allowing the tuner to change the RPM redline up or down any RPM that they wish.
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