On my way to ajim scb wedding that afternoon,i saw this bird,a big white bird,not just 10 or 15 of them,but a lot! A lot as in 70-100, i guess , it was flying low,really low to the road, some driver was trying to avoid those unsafe drunken bird and some nearly caught on an accident,pretty weird happening on that day,really really weird.

erm...~ almost everyday dah 2...~ dono wats wrong...~ maybe diorang salah minum x...~ wahaha...~
well yeaa its been daily already, especially in the morning..along the stretch from mabohai to subok i suppose..could be they are warming up and checking their fastest lap til the bird raceday..heheheh
andangnya tu burung ah.ia makan kawasan sampah Subuk then ptg balik semula kQlap tempat ia tidur(kawasan pukuk-pukuk)ampir taman sana ah.
kira convoy lah diorang mcm tani ani,convoy arah gathering burung hahaha
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