our mission on that day was we went out to search for this new bumper for smokey ride,we did manage to find 1 shop at salambigar not far from the secondary school there, where they sale various kind of bodykits,At first we were definitely lost that time, so Mrwrxdc5 from Subaru club came to the rescue and show us where the place hehe,thanks bro.
for all you Bodykits lover out there please do visit that shop cause they got a tons of bodykit.
for all you Bodykits lover out there please do visit that shop cause they got a tons of bodykit.

where about is this shop located?
seems interesting to have a look.
Will go to dat shop this weekend. Need more details & specific location of this shop. Tanx
salambigar, this is the same shop that used to be at subok, its a house actually with garage full of bodykit its close to the skol there, maybe smokey can give detailed directions
It is located at Salambigar, Near by Sekolah Menengah Sharif Ali...simpang 612-85... hehe
Bodykit nya mahal2.. just an opinion.. nway enjoy bodykit hunting..cheers..
Kalau Group buy mahal kah tu! ehehehe
hahaha maybe jua murah kalau ramai2 mambali.good idea.
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