RSR Ti2000
For Mazda 3
Comfortable ride, suitable for daily driven, improved handling
3 finger gap on stock wheels
SOLD!! To another Blue M3 Sedan
Pioneering the next generation in suspension tuning, RS-R has brought forth the Ti2000 lowering spring. Backed with a lifetime guarantee, these springs are sure to be well worth your money! One of a kind, these springs are manufactured through a high frequency induction heating process, making it more durable than most springs on the market. Titanium is used in most aspects of the motor sports industry; not only is it lightweight, but its durability and strength sets it apart from the rest. The Ti2000 lives up to its name: springs made of a titanium composite metal with 2000 tensile strength. Not only being made of advanced material, but delivering great ride quality and performance makes the Ti2000 springs the most advanced lowering spring.
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